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Search Console: Tool for Managing Keyword Cannibalization

keyword cannibalization search console Sep 24, 2024

You’re trying to rank for a keyword, but you can’t get onto Google’s first page. When you check Search Console, you find that multiple pages from your site show up for that keyword. Since these pages have similar content, it might confuse Google about which one to rank. So, what should you do?

Search Console and Keyword Cannibalization 

Before we address the problem of keyword cannibalization and explore solutions, let’s first define what Search Console is. Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that allows website owners to monitor their site’s performance in search results.

Search Console shows how often your website pages appear in search results, what queries drive traffic to your site, and any issues affecting your website’s visibility.

Keyword Cannibalization happens when multiple pages on your website compete for the same keyword, making it harder for any of them to rank well because Google doesn't know which one to prioritize.

Problem: Three blog pages ranking for the same query

The query is "elevated faith." The following are the blog page titles and Search Console metrics. 

  1. Elevated Faith the mentoring Process
    • Impressions: 67
    • Average Position: 67.2
  2. What is Elevated Faith
    • Impressions: 56
    • Average Position: 30.3
  3. Elevated Faith Meaning
    • Impressions: 20
    • Average Position: 27.4

Search Console Query Screenshots


Search Console Blog Page Title Screenshots

Solution: Differentiate the three blog pages

To reduce competition and differentiate the three pages while preventing keyword cannibalization, follow these steps in a clear and straightforward manner. The ultimate goal is to rank for the keyword, but we won’t achieve that if Google gets confused because the three pages are optimized too similarly for the same keyword.

1. Define Unique Focus for Each Page

Blog 1

  • Elevated Faith the Mentoring Process: This page turned out to be 404 error page. So we can do the following:
    • Fix the 404 Error: Restore the page with relevant content about "Elevated Faith: The Mentoring Process." Make sure the content is helpful and aligned with the query. 
    • Redirect the URL: If we don't restore the page with relevant content, set up a 301 redirect from the 404 page to one of the other blog pages that rank for the "elevated faith" query. Choose the page that has relevant content and better aligns with the topic.

Blog 2

  • What is Elevated Faith: This page should provide a broad explanation of the term "elevated faith." Keep this page as a general introduction to the concept. It should explain what elevated faith is, its significance, and provide a broad overview. Think of it as an introductory guide that covers what the concept is, its importance, and perhaps how it relates to broader topics like spirituality or personal growth.  

Blog 3

  • Elevated Faith Meaning: This page can focus more on the specific definitions, nuances, and interpretations of "elevated faith." You can explore the origins of the term, different perspectives on its meaning, or its applications in various contexts.

2.  Unique Meta Titles and Descriptions

Make sure each page has a distinct meta title and description:

  • Elevated Faith: The Mentoring Process Explained
    • Meta Title: Elevated Faith: The Mentoring Process Explained
    • Meta Description: Explore how the mentoring process enhances elevated faith and supports personal growth. Discover practical steps for your spiritual journey. 
  • What is Elevated Faith:
    • Meta Title: What is Elevated Faith? | Understanding the Concept
    • Meta Description: Learn about elevated faith, its significance, and how it relates to personal growth.
  • Elevated Faith Meaning:
    • Meta Title: Elevated Faith Meaning | Definitions and Context
    • Meta Description: Learn the meaning of elevated faith and its interpretations in different contexts.
  • Headings and Subheadings: Use distinct headings for each page. For example:
    • Blog 1 could have headings like "Overview of the Mentoring Process," "Importance of Mentoring in Elevated Faith," and "Key Components of Effective Mentoring."
    • Blog 2 could have headings like "Overview of Elevated Faith" and "Importance of Elevated Faith."
    • Blog 3 could include "Defining Elevated Faith" and "Interpretations of Elevated Faith."

3. Adjust Content and Keywords

Make sure both pages are using distinct language.

  • For the "Elevated Faith: The Mentoring Process" page, use headings like "Overview of the Mentoring Process," "Significance of Mentoring in Elevated Faith," and "Essential Elements of Effective Mentoring."

  • For the "What is Elevated Faith" page, use headings such as "Introduction to Elevated Faith," "Understanding Elevated Faith," and "The Role of Elevated Faith in Personal Growth."

  • For the "Elevated Faith Meaning" page, focus on headings like "Definition of Elevated Faith," "Meaning of Elevated Faith," and "Interpretations of Elevated Faith."

This will help search engines distinguish between the three pages.

4. Internal Linking Strategy

  • Link from the Elevated Faith: The Mentoring Process page to the What is Elevated Faith page. You might say something like: “For a foundational understanding of the concept, check out our page on What is Elevated Faith.”

This internal link guides users to the broader context of elevated faith while signaling to Google that the What is Elevated Faith page serves as a primary source for general information. It establishes a clear relationship between the two pages and helps clarify which content is prioritized for ranking.

  • You can also link from the Elevated Faith: The Mentoring Process page to the Elevated Faith Meaning page with a phrase like: “For a deeper exploration of the term, visit our page on Elevated Faith Meaning.”

This internal link helps Google understand the relationship between the two pages and indicates which one you consider more important for ranking.

5. Update Content Regularly

Regularly refresh the content on all three pages. Google favors fresh content, so add new findings, examples, or related topics that can enhance each page's value. This could be a case study on "elevated faith" or recent trends related to the topic.

6. Resubmit URLs for Recrawling and Indexing

After making these changes, don’t forget to resubmit all three URLs to Google for recrawling and indexing. This is important to guarantee that Google recognizes the updates and indexes the pages correctly with their new focus and structure.

7. Monitor Performance

Keep an eye on the performance of both pages using Google Search Console. Look for changes in impressions, clicks, and average positions after implementing these strategies. If one page continues to perform better, consider optimizing that page further.

8. Consider Consolidating Content (If Necessary) 

If after a few months you still find that the pages are competing, consider merging the content into a single comprehensive page. This can help to consolidate your rankings and provide a richer resource for visitors. Just make sure to set up proper redirects to maintain SEO value.

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Mastering P.o.P focuses on improving your website’s organic ranking on search engines like Google because it leads to more sustainable success. We teach our Inner Circle members how to make their websites search-engine-friendly and increase conversions. This is how we work from the moment you join!

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