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How a Cannabis SEO Company Can Help Your Dispensary Grow

cannabis marketing cannabis seo company dispensary marketing Oct 08, 2024
How a Dispensary and  Cannabis SEO Company  Can Help You Grow

At Mastering P.o.P, we pride ourselves on being more than just an online digital marketing and SEO coaching program. With our roots in the cannabis industry, we have a unique understanding of the nuances and challenges that cannabis and dispensary brands face. Our expertise naturally extends to providing tailored solutions in SEO, email marketing, conversion optimization, partnership strategies, content creation, and link-building courses.We’ve developed effective strategies and guided leading brands like Marijuana Packaging, Smoke Tokes, My Rolling Tray, Mile High Glass Pipes, and more in achieving their goals. Our commitment is to empower cannabis and dispensary companies to succeed in a competitive market.

PPC Text Ads and Shopping Campaigns for Cannabis and Dispensaries

When marketing in the cannabis industry, especially for dispensaries, traditional channels like PPC text ads and shopping campaigns are off-limits due to advertising restrictions on platforms like Google and Facebook. This makes cannabis SEO and dispensary marketing important strategies for driving traffic and generating leads organically. Partnering with a cannabis SEO company can help you target the right keywords, rank higher on search engines, and connect with your audience in a compliant way.

But SEO alone isn't enough. You can also grow your cannabis business through borrowing other people’s audience (B.O.P.A.), which allows you to tap into existing audiences that align with your target market. This method has proven highly effective, especially for cannabis businesses and dispensaries. Below, we’ll venture into how you can borrow other people’s audiences by forming strategic partnerships with relevant cannabis-related businesses.

Borrowing Other People’s Audience (B.O.P.A.)

B.O.P.A. is a strategy where you collaborate with businesses that already have access to the audience you want to reach. This method was successfully used by Mastering P.o.P, who scaled their cannabis business, Flower Power Packages back in 2019, to $250K in under six months by borrowing other people’s audience.

They partnered with cannabis certification schools, integrating their brand into their automated email flows and campaigns to reach new customers.

Cannabis Certification Schools

Why it works:
Cannabis certification schools train future cannabis growers, dispensary owners, and industry professionals, making them an ideal audience for Flower Power Packages.

Partnership Ideas:

  • Flower Power Packages, also known as F.P.P offered exclusive discounts for their packaging for graduates.
  • F.P.P sponsored educational events and webinars, showcasing their packaging and dispensary supplies.
  • F.P.P become part of the certification schools email marketing.

Example: Flower Power Packages, a brand owned by Mastering P.o.P, partnered with cannabis certification schools by offering their email marketing expertise to help optimize the schools’ communication strategies. Mastering P.o.P guided the schools in building out their email automations, showing them how powerful effective email marketing could be. They provided a quick clear example of the importance of structuring automated email campaigns, such as a welcome email flow, an application enrollment series, a current student onboarding flow, as well as an alumni series for long-term engagement and more!

Mastering P.o.P has already developed and ready-to-use solutions and strategies for cannabis businesses and dispensaries when it comes to email marketing. This was clearly demonstrated when cannabis certification schools quickly recognized the value of Mastering P.o.P’s guidance and eagerly adopted their recommendations. In addition to implementing effective email flows, Mastering P.o.P helped integrate evergreen push notifications to further increase engagement. As a result, the partnership flourished, significantly improving the schools’ conversion rates and driving success for both parties.

This collaboration underscores the impact of email marketing and how Mastering P.o.P’s expertise in automations and strategic marketing helped drive growth for both their business and their partners.

While Flower Power Packages faced a setback in June 2024 due to a compromised domain—losing their rankings for keywords like marijuana packaging and cannabis packaging—their previous success in building an SEO presence proves they can, and will, rebuild. This only underscores the resilience and expertise of Mastering P.o.P in SEO and digital marketing.

Cannabis Industry Publications (Magazines, Blogs, Podcasts)

Why it works:
These platforms have established audiences of cannabis industry professionals, dispensary owners, and cultivators.

Partnership Ideas:

  • Write guest articles about dispensary marketing and packaging trends.
  • Sponsor podcast episodes or collaborate on blog posts.
  • Run banner ads on these publications or get featured in their newsletters.

Cannabis Equipment Suppliers

Why it works:
Equipment suppliers work closely with cannabis growers and dispensaries, making them a valuable partner for your packaging and dispensary marketing efforts.

Partnership Ideas:

  • Create joint promotions that bundle your packaging with their equipment.
  • Feature your packaging in their product promotions or customer communications.
  • Offer co-branded marketing, highlighting how your products benefit dispensaries and growers alike.

Why SEO for Dispensaries and B.O.P.A. Are Important for Growth

Whether you're focusing on SEO for dispensaries or broader cannabis marketing, partnering with other businesses through B.O.P.A. is an effective way to grow. It allows you to tap into new audiences, strengthen your relationships within the industry, and drive traffic to your dispensary or cannabis business.

For more information on how our cannabis SEO and dispensary marketing solutions can help you grow, schedule a free consultation!

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