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How to Optimize Your Business for Supplier or Partner Names

keywords everywhere search console search engine optimization seo Aug 24, 2024

No matter, if you run a product-based or service-based business, optimizing for your suppliers' or partners' names, can be a smart strategy to increase visibility and attract targeted traffic. If you're selling products or offering services, deciding if this approach makes sense for your business is important. If it does, tools like Google, Keywords Everywhere, and Search Console can help you find variations of your suppliers' or partners' names that people might be searching for.

Product-based businesses are all about optimizing how your suppliers' names and products are searched online. Start by checking how your suppliers' title tags and meta descriptions display in Google search results. Incorporate relevant keywords into your product or collection pages to capture the right audience. Use Google Search Console to identify which queries drive traffic to your pages and refine your content based on those insights.

Service-based businesses can take a similar approach. Again, using Google Search Console to identify the queries that lead users to your pages can help with further optimization. 

Take for example, Katie, the owner of Mudd House Mercantile, created collection pages by leveraging her suppliers' names, like "Good and Well Supply Co." With Keywords Everywhere, Katie can identify keyword variations and incorporate them into her pages and use Google Search Console to find and add more name variations.

Optimizing Using Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you understand your website's organic performance on Google Search. It's strictly for tracking organic metrics, showing data related to unpaid search results. It allows you to see how your website performs in search, which keywords drive traffic, and where your website displays in the search results. 

Optimizing for Variations of Supplier Names

When optimizing for your suppliers' or partners' names, it's important to consider the different ways people might input these names into Google. However, be cautious about incorporating real misspellings. Instead, focus on variations like removing symbols, spelling out words, or using shortened versions of the name if they make sense.

For example, if your supplier's name is "Good & Well Supply Co.," consider optimizing for "Good and Well Supply Co." as well. Some users might type out "and" instead of using the "&" symbol. Also, you might want to include variations like "Good Well Supply" if that's a common way people search for the supplier. It's important to incorporate variations that enhance your content and align with how users are searching.

As of August 24, 2024, Katie from Mudd House Mercantile needs to add relevant variations of her suppliers' names to her collection pages. Currently, she's ranking for her suppliers' names simply because she created an optimized collection page. By "optimized," we mean the title tag, meta description, and on-page copy were all properly optimized Now, she's going back to enhance her optimization by incorporating variations of her suppliers' names. This is the advantage of being part of the Mastering P.o.P membership—Katie received this valuable tip and is now ready to implement it. You can see the optimization of her title tags and meta descriptions below. 

Title Tags & Meta Description

Katie's Success with Mastering P.o.P Membership

Katie joined the Mastering P.o.P membership on June 2, 2024, and since then, she has seen significant improvements in her online presence. Katie owns a brick-and-mortar store in Denver, Colorado, and when she started the membership, her website had 190 organic visitors, with 368 keywords driving that traffic. Fast forward only two months, and Katie now has 331 organic visitors, with 581 keywords driving traffic to her site. Katie's traffic cost—the estimated value of her organic traffic in terms of paid search—has increased from $154 to $363. 

Traffic cost is a metric that estimates how much you would have to spend on paid ads to get the same amount of traffic organically. An increase in traffic cost indicates that your organic traffic is more valuable, meaning your site is attracting more visitors who are likely to convert.

JUNE 2024



#24 in GOOGLE

Katie's journey with Mastering P.o.P highlights the power of strategic SEO and the right guidance, which can accelerate the growth of your online business and amplify its impact.

Remember, Mastering P.o.P’s first member, Lori, the owner of Milton’s Daughter, followed this strategy. Now, she ranks for her supplier, Iron Orchid Designs, and their product offerings. It you type Iron Orchid Designs in Google, you will see that Milton's Daughter appears on page one above the fold.

See how Mastering P.o.P's membership works!


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