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Use Push Notifications to Re-Engage Your Audience

push notifications pushowl web push notifications Sep 10, 2024
Use Push Notifications to Re-Engage Your Audience

What is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is information that stays relevant and useful over time, no matter the trends or seasons. It serves as a reliable resource that continuously draws interest. For example, offers like gift cards, same-day delivery, refer-and-save deals, free trials, and product demos never go out of date.

In terms of push notifications, evergreen content can include ongoing promotions, helpful tips, or important information that customers can benefit from at any time. This type of content is great for keeping your audience engaged, allowing you to maintain their interest without needing constant new updates.

Evergreen Push Notifications

Using push notifications to encourage customers to return to your website should be a key part of your digital marketing strategy. These gentle reminders let your audience know that your business is still active and ready to serve them. Best of all, you can easily duplicate these evergreen push notifications and set them to send at specific frequencies. This automation is a “set it and forget it” approach, making it incredibly efficient for ongoing engagement.

What Are Push Notifications?

Push notifications are messages that appear directly on users' devices, whether on mobile or desktop. They’re a great way to guarantee your audience receives your updates, unlike emails that can easily be overlooked.


Why Push Notifications Matter?

In the digital ecosystem, staying top-of-mind with your audience is important. By implementing push notifications, you can communicate important updates, special offers, and content directly to subscribers. This method captures an audience that opts in specifically for notifications, guaranteeing they receive timely information.

Evergreen Push Notifications: A Practical Example

We'll use Flower Power Packages as a case study. They are a cannabis packaging company that sells packaging solutions to dispensaries and cultivators. Flower Power Packages has set up evergreen push notifications for the entire year, which now run on autopilot. However, they’re still actively sending out manual push notifications a couple of times per week for impromptu sales, discounts, and more.

They use push notifications to inform their audience about upcoming tradeshows, podcast interviews, and blog content that’s currently being developed but not yet published. They even share updates on who they’re following on social media, which includes some of their partners. This strategy keeps their audience engaged and informed, right?

Borrowing Other People's Audiences (B.O.P.A)

In Mastering P.o.P's Digital Marketing and SEO membership program, we emphasize the importance of borrowing other people's audiences. By aligning with brands that complement your offerings, you can tap into new customer bases and expand your reach. Our program helps you connect with the right brands for effective collaborations. You can see how we work hereWe believe that creating partnership relationships before setting up push notifications is important. It’s important to establish a mutual understanding of how you can promote each other effectively. For instance, you might decide on a frequency for sending out notifications that direct your audience to your partner's website.

Imagine sending a push notification that points to a blog post on your website featuring your partner. This blog would contain a link to their website that opens in a new tab, guaranteeing your audience can explore their offerings easily. By painting a clear picture of this collaborative effort, you’ll help potential partners understand the value of working together.

Collaborate for Success

When you promote your business alongside your partners, both brands can gain increased visibility. This synergy allows for greater reach and engagement, helping you to connect with new customers effectively.

Check Out Our Blog

For those interested in implementing push notifications, check out our blog post that demonstrates how easy it is to set up a push notification. Plus, if you install the PushOwl Shopify app, you’ll receive two weeks of enterprise features at no cost!

Real Businesses Using Push Notifications

Many Mastering P.o.P. members using the Shopify platform have already installed PushOwl. Businesses like Ice House Comedy in Pasadena, Farmers Insurance - Young Douglas in Ontario, CA, Michael T Jones, MD, Sauce Junkie, and more are using push notifications.

Think about it: we all receive push notifications, whether it's from our phone service provider like Verizon or T-Mobile, updates on our pizza or food orders, or alerts from retailers like Nordstrom. When these notifications pop up, don’t you find yourself clicking on them to see what they have to say? We bet you do!

Install PushOwl and Get 20% OFF

Yeah, you read right! Install the app and get 20% off! Please don't sleep on this!

Take a look at Flower Power Packages' evergreen push notifications here.

We hope it inspires you to start implementing this strategy. No matter if you’re a product or service-based business, this approach is important for growth.

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